Plant These Shrubs for Healthy Berries | Greenstreet Gardens

Plant These Shrubs for Healthy Berries

Berries are some of the healthiest foods you can eat. It’s almost as if they evolved specifically to strengthen our bodies with their delicious fruit! In exchange, all they ask is for is a little care while planting and some seasonal pruning—small and enjoyable tasks for the many benefits they provide.

Red Mulberries 

This berry tree native to Maryland and Virginia grows bright red berries that turn dark purple as they ripen in late spring. The sweet, juicy fruit is packed with vitamin C, B vitamins, magnesium, and potassium. The high concentration of antioxidants extends your body’s youth and vigor while helping to protect you from disease. They’re also a significant source of iron, indicated by their red color.

Native inhabitants of Virginia mixed mulberries into dyes, cornbread and used the branches in construction. You can enjoy them straight off the branch, much like a raspberry or blackberry. The tree itself likes a variety of moist soils and thrives in partial or full sun.


The elderberry is highly sought-after for its immune-boosting properties. As this shrub attracts a variety of birds, it has developed a survival strategy against overgrazing: its flowers and berries mature at various intervals throughout the season, sometimes at the same time. As the unripe berries are toxic to eat, take care to only harvest the fruit once they have fully matured to a dark purple or black color. A cup of these berries, though tart and tangy, provides more than half of your daily vitamin C and nourishes your immune system with a rich dose of vitamin B6.

People commonly cook and sweeten elderberry in jams, juices, chutneys, or wines. No matter how you enjoy them, you’ll undoubtedly feel the positive effects of this lovely shrub.

Gogi Berries

Health-food companies often promote this berry as a superfood, and they may be right. This bush, originally cultivated in China, prefers full sun and relatively infertile soils. While you may harvest a few berries in your first and second seasons, year three and on will yield an abundance of fruit in late summer. As the bright orange-red color reveals, these treats contain more vitamin C than oranges and more beta-carotene than carrots. This compound, one of many antioxidants the berry contains, supports your eye health and vision along with a healthy dose of vitamin A. The goji also contains all of the essential amino acids that our body needs to build proteins. But if all of these benefits don’t convince you, just give the berries a try. The berries’ sweet-yet-tart, slightly herbal taste will get your attention!


Another native shrub to the mid-Atlantic, the Huckleberry produces dark blue, black, or red fruit from July to October, depending on the variety. It’s also known to be loaded with antioxidants—just in case you aren’t getting enough from the Goji and Mulberry! In fact, they’re reputed to contain more even than blueberries, which are widely recognized for their high antioxidant content. But of course, that’s not the only reason to plant this beautiful shrub. The tasty berries themselves bring a delicious flavor to jams, puddings, cakes, or breakfast cereal. And of course, you can enjoy them right off the branch!


You’re probably expecting us to finish this list with the classics: the blueberry and raspberry. Our garden center could write a whole article to celebrate these favorites, but before they rose to their current celebrity, the gooseberry was almost as famous—especially in 19th century England. Depending on the variety, they can be very tart or very sweet. They range from green, to red, to purple, and can either be enjoyed fresh or in wines, jams, and syrups. Like the other berries, they’ll “reverse” your body’s aging processes, keeping you young and healthy, as well as bolstering your immunity with vitamin C.

Besides enhancing the health of your family, berry shrubs provide food for native birds and flowers for native butterflies, moths, and bees. By planting them—especially the native varieties—you can help to nourish the broader community of life that we belong to and depend upon. Stop by one of our nursery locations to explore even more of our selection of berry shrubs!

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