Calatheas Versus Marantas: What’s the Difference? | Greenstreet Gardens

Calatheas Versus Marantas: What’s the Difference

close up of a gorgeous calathea plant greenstreet gardens

Two of the hottest trending houseplants are the Calathea and the Maranta. Houseplant enthusiasts love these plants for their striking foliage, which comes in various bold colors and patterns. At first glance, you might assume that Calatheas and Marantas are of the same family, in which case you would be correct! However, Calatheas and Marantas have enough differences that they’re nowhere near to being the same plant. Read on to learn about the critical differences between these two!

close up photo of a vibrant maranta plant that is blooming greenstreet gardens

Calathea vs Maranta Family Difference

Calatheas and Marantas are commonly mistaken as being the same plant because they both belong to the Marantaceae family. The difference, however, is that the Calathea and Maranta are each a separate genus of Marantaceae, making them a different subdivision of the same family. In layman’s terms, this means that they are not the same plant.

Calatheas are also often incorrectly referred to as prayer plants, which is the common name for Marantas. The reason behind the nickname is every evening, the leaves of a Maranta plant fold themselves closed, a response called nyctinasty, almost as though they were offering a prayer. Calatheas, on the other hand, do not perform nyctinasty, so there’s no cause to refer to them as prayer plants.

various colors of calathea plants outside under the sun greenstreet gardens

Calathea vs Maranta Color Difference

Perhaps the most apparent differences between Calatheas and Marantas are their differing foliage color and shape. The most common varieties of Marantas, the Maranta leuconeura, have bold striped patterns on their leaves in either deep red or lime green, both of which provide your home with a striking pop of color that’s sure to draw attention.

There’s another variety called Maranta leuconeura kerchoviana, or more commonly Rabbit’s Foot Maranta, that may look more subtle than the others, but the unique pattern of splotches against a light green background lends a look of rabbit tracks on an open field. There’s certainly not a lot of plants that can offer such a specific and stunning visual! Though harder to find, there’s also a variegated variety of the Rabbit’s Foot Maranta.  

In comparison, Calatheas have a seemingly endless variety of foliage, all of which boast striking, colorful patterns. Each leaf displays a different shape and design, some resembling lines drawn by a finely-tipped felt pen, like the Beauty Star and Ornata. Others mimic animal prints like the Rattlesnake and Peacock Calatheas or resemble a pastel, watercolor painting like the Calathea stromanthe. As you can see, each plant variety has distinct differences from each other, making both Calatheas and Marantas a coveted addition to every houseplant enthusiasts’ collection.

vibrant green marantas plants greenstreet gardens

Calathea vs Maranta Care Difference

There are some similarities for Calatheas vs Marantas regarding plant care, but there are also key differences. Both prefer lower light conditions and high humidity, though Marantas are more forgiving of cooler temperatures than Calatheas are. Both Marantas and Calatheas can be drama queens and like distilled water; otherwise, their beautiful leaves are susceptible to leaf burn from the harsh chemicals in unfiltered water.

Marantas have a spreading growth pattern, so are happiest (and will take up less space) in a hanging pot. They are extremely easy to propagate, so if you find your Maranta is getting a little too unruly, you can snip off some cuttings and give them away as gifts! Calatheas tend to grow more in a bushy, upright fashion and won’t require any pruning to maintain their shape.

Now that you know the differences between Calatheas vs Marantas, which do you prefer? Visit one of our Greenstreet Garden locations in Alexandria, Lothian, and Belle Haven to browse our assortment of Calathea and Maranta houseplants today!

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