Plants that Bring Prosperity | Greenstreet Gardens

More Plants and More Good Vibes, Please!

Greenstreet Gardens-Plants that Bring Prosperity-peace lily foliage and flowers

According to the ancient traditional practice of Feng Shui, specific plants bring good fortune, luck, and prosperity. Considering the state of the world these past two years, we certainly think those are things we all could use right now. 

Here is a list of the best lucky plants to bring more prosperity and overall goodness into your life.

-money tree in small planter greenstreet gardens

1) Money Tree

As the name suggests, the money tree is said to attract wealth. The legend associated with the money tree involves a poor farmer stumbling across the tree in a forest before praying for money. He collected propagations from the tree and sold them, by which his fortunes soon changed. 

The money tree is a small tree that features a gorgeous, braided trunk and thin stalks of five spear-shaped leaves. Money trees prefer plenty of bright, indirect light and well-balanced soil to retain moisture and drain well. You will want to prune your money tree regularly in the spring to keep it looking its best!

-lucky bamboo plant indoors greenstreet gardens

2. Lucky Bamboo Plant

Lucky bamboo is a beautiful plant believed to bring luck and good fortune to a household. Feng Shui bamboo plants are the species Dracaena sanderiana, which have straight stems that sprout lovely long leaves.

Lucky bamboo plants are wildly popular for the aesthetic they bring to the home and for their ease of care. Bamboo is one of the few plants grown solely in water. Often you will see them sold in glass containers filled only with rocks and water, which are very aesthetically pleasing as home décor. If you grow yours in water, make sure to fertilize it every few months and use filtered water.

Feng Shui states that the number of stalks in a container has different meanings. Three stalks invite happiness, wealth and long life, while five to six stalks invite wealth and good luck.

Greenstreet Gardens-Plants that Bring Prosperity-peace lily indoors in boho basket

3. Peace Lily

Peace lilies are infamous for being one of the best air purifying plants for the home. For that reason, many people consider peace lilies to be lucky plants and bring good health. Peace lilies are also a simply stunning plant. Their glossy dark green foliage contrasts beautifully with their snow-white single petaled flowers.

Peace lilies prefer low light conditions, making them perfect for brightening up a bare corner. Peace lilies don’t tolerate wet feet, so it’s best to avoid overwatering.

-golden pothos plant indoors greenstreet gardens

4. Golden Pothos

This popular trailing houseplant features beautiful spade-shaped leaves that sport vibrant splotches of chartreuse. The golden pothos is considered a lucky plant and one that will bring good fortune.

Most pothos varieties are straightforward to care for, making them an excellent gift for houseplant enthusiasts. They grow well in either low light or bright light conditions and will bounce back quickly if left underwatered. They aren’t particularly fussy about their soil if it is well-draining.

Greenstreet Gardens-Plants that Bring Prosperity-jade plant indoors white pot

5. Jade Plant

The specific type of jade plant considered lucky is Crassula ovata, but it goes by many other names such as money plant (not to be confused with the money tree), dollar plant and cauliflower-ears. In particular, the coin-shaped leaves symbolize wealth. Some of these plants have lived for hundreds of years, being passed from generation to generation, sharing prosperity across an entire family.

Jade plants are a succulent variety that grows tree-like stems tipped with circular, fleshy leaves. They require very little care. In fact, they are more likely to flower—typically during the winter­—if they don’t receive water for a few weeks. Under the right conditions, they can grow up to eight feet tall, although that is rarer for indoor jade plants.


Are you ready to invite more prosperity, good fortune, health and cleaner air into your home? Stop into the Greenstreet Gardens location nearest to you and pick out your new lucky houseplants for 2022!

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