How to Grow Radiator Plants | Greenstreet Gardens

Radiator Plants: What They Are, and How to Grow Them

-purple peperomia plant greenstreet gardens

Learning how to grow radiator plants is a worthwhile endeavor for rookie and expert plant owners alike! You might be wondering, what is a radiator plant, exactly? Well, it’s a nickname given to the common species of houseplant, Peperomia. Why is Peperomia called the “radiator plant?” It’s because they love warm drafts, so a spot near a vent or a radiator will be a perfect home for these cuties. 

There are many different Peperomia radiator plants, and there are so many reasons to love them! Here’s how to grow these easy-going plants at home.


How to Grow Radiator Plants

Radiator plants are some of the most low-maintenance houseplants around, so you shouldn’t expect any major difficulties as you learn how to care for them. While they tend to be slow-growing, they’re pretty resilient and are known for their ability to withstand getting knocked over without sustaining much damage. Plus, they’re pet-friendly, so if you’ve got a rambunctious pup at home, you can stock up on radiator plants without worrying about your pet (or your plants) getting hurt. 

Since they’re tropical, radiator plants are accustomed to indirect sunlight because they’re native to rainforests, living underneath leafy tree canopies. In summer, bright, direct sunbeams may scorch their leaves, so you’re better off placing them by a window with a sheer curtain or somewhere a few feet away from any direct beams.

Water your radiator plants thoroughly once the top two inches of soil have dried out. They’re pretty drought-tolerant, so if you forget to water for a couple of days, it won’t be the end of the world. Don’t overwater—this can cause root rot or promote fungal growth, which attracts annoying fungus gnats. A container with drainage holes can help prevent overwatering, especially since these plants tend to stay on the small side and don’t require a large container.

An all-purpose houseplant fertilizer diluted to half-strength will help your radiator plants grow lush and bright. Apply it once per month from April until September, and stop fertilizing in winter. This will allow the plants to enter dormancy and conserve energy for their next big growth spurt the following spring.

While they’re generally comfortable with typical household humidity levels, they appreciate some supplementary humidity. Placing your plants on shallow pebble trays filled with about an inch of water will help to deliver water vapor straight to the leaves. Alternatively, you can spritz your radiator plants with a fine mist or use plug-in humidifiers. 

greenstreet gardens-variegated peperomia

Warm drafts from a vent are nothing to worry about for these heat-loving plants, but you’ll want to avoid putting them near any cold drafts. So, if you turn the A/C on in summer and your plant is near a vent, you may want to find a less drafty location for the season. Watch out for cold drafts from windows and doors as well.


Our Favorite Types of Radiator Plants

They may only grow to about one foot tall, but these beauties are bursting with color! Collect a whole assortment of these different radiator plants for a low-maintenance houseplant display you’ll love to show off.


Peperomia Watermelon

The striped green leaves of this adorable radiator plant really do look like miniature watermelons! Its stems are bright red, and with enough sunshine, it may surprise you with tiny green flowers.

-peperomia watermelon - peperomia frost greenstreet gardens

Peperomia Frost

A frosty silver sheen coats each leaf of this mega-popular radiator plant. If you’ve been itching to jump on the trend of white and silver variegated houseplants, Peperomia Frost deserves a spot in your collection.


Peperomia Ginny

We love the tricolor pattern on this vivid variety of radiator plant, with its green and butter-yellow leaves trimmed with rosy pink. Its leaves are pointier than your typical Peperomia, and the pink accents will become more pronounced if it’s in an area with more sunlight. 

-peperomia ginny - peperomia prostrata greenstreet gardens

Peperomia Prostrata

AKA the ‘String of Turtles,’ This trailing form of Peperomia couldn’t be any cuter! It looks just like a bunch of baby turtles all dangling along its stringy, cascading vines. That trailing habit makes this radiator plant perfect for hanging baskets or pots on floating shelves.

Now that you’ve learned how to grow radiator plants, you’re probably wondering where to buy radiator plants! Greenstreet Gardens has got the goods—visit one of our three locations across Virginia and Maryland to see all the different varieties currently available in-store.

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